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Terms & Condition

The appraiser confirms a personal physical examination of the object(s) described in this report. Unless mentioned otherwise, items are considered to be in good condition without the need for repairs at the moment. The provided values, descriptions, and all related statements are accurate to the best of the appraiser's knowledge, based on current market values and recognized appraisal practices. Given that jewelry mountings limit complete and precise observation of gem quality and weight, all information about mounted gems should be seen as estimative. Jewelry appraisal and evaluation involve subjective professional judgment, meaning value and quality assessments may differ among appraisers, with such differences not indicating an error by the appraiser.

Appraisals and evaluations are subjective; thus, the information herein cannot be seen as a warranty or guarantee. Appraisal fees are charged based on time spent and are not influenced by the appraised value or outcome. This appraisal does not constitute an offer to purchase the appraised items. Unless specified, sales taxes are excluded from appraisal values. The appraiser declares no financial interest in the appraised items unless noted in the report's comments section. Significant professional assistance by others, if any, is identified in the report.

The appraisal and report dates coincide unless stated otherwise in the comments. Appraisal methods and procedures evolve, meaning future evaluations may vary. Ownership of this report does not imply ownership of the appraised items, and appraised values assume complete ownership. This process does not uncover liens or partial interests. Reproduction or publication rights of this report or its contents are reserved to the appraiser. Usage of the appraiser's or associated entities' names for public or advertising purposes is prohibited.

The appraiser is not obliged to participate in testimony, legal proceedings, or consultations without prior arrangements and will charge according to standard hourly rates for such services. This report's contents are confidential, and alterations by anyone other than the original appraiser are not permitted. The appraiser disclaims responsibility for unauthorized changes. The conclusions and opinions expressed are confined by the stated limitations and conditions, and neither the firm nor its employees bear liability for actions taken based on this appraisal.

This description and replacement evaluation are based on thorough examination and subjective assessments of materials and craftsmanship. Values consider depreciation for timepieces and are not meant for use as a definitive shopping comparison. Public advertising use of this appraisal is prohibited, and it serves solely for replacement evaluation purposes. The inherently subjective nature of jewelry evaluations means that value estimates may vary without implying error by the appraiser. Unmounted diamonds are given provisional grades, and ownership verification is not implied by this report.

This report, or copies thereof, does not grant publication rights, nor can it be used by anyone other than the intended recipients without the appraiser's written consent. All given measurements and grades are approximations, with stones evaluated without removal from their settings. Metal quality identification is based on markings or acid tests, with metal quality approximations provided in the absence of stamps. Unless noted, mountings are presumed mass-produced, and antique or unique items are valued based on similar market items. Treatments to enhance colored stones are assumed unless otherwise stated, with treatments considered stable and generally not affecting care unless specified. The appraisal does not extend to detailed treatment identification, which may require advanced testing beyond standard laboratory capabilities. Liability for actions based on this appraisal is disclaimed by the appraiser.